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Dream Care Farm near Bury St Edmunds launches fundraiser for improved site entrance

A community farm just outside Bury St Edmunds has launched a campaign to raise £10,000 to create a new entrance to the site.

Dream Care Farm CIC (Community Interest Company) in Thurston, near Bury St Edmunds, currently has an unsuitable temporary entrance in Pepper Lane, but there are plans to reopen the access on Beyton Road.

Sue Smith, who runs the farm, said they were required to have a 10-metre properly-surfaced entrance, using a certified company. This is to prevent mud from spilling onto the road, which could cause an accident.

Farm manager Sue Smith Dream at Dream Care Farm CIC, in Thurston. Picture: Mark Westley
Farm manager Sue Smith Dream at Dream Care Farm CIC, in Thurston. Picture: Mark Westley

She has launched a fundraising page with a target of £10,000 for the project.

On the page, she said: “We understand times are hard for everyone, even if you have just a few pounds to donate we would really appreciate it, and eventually, it will benefit everyone who uses the site for whatever purpose. This will also enable us to progress and move forward with our cause.

“Quotes we have received from certified companies are in the region of £10k. That’s a lot of money, but it is essential for us to maintain the project, and ensure that we can continue supporting people of all ages and abilities, mental health and of course animal rescue.”

She added: “It really is an amazing space, and benefits so many people.”

Ms Smith said the fundraising page was to get the ball rolling, and they will also be trying other ways to raise funds, and any money left over will go towards the running of the farm.

This year there are plans to create a community garden, which will allow people to come along and learn and help grow lots of fruit, vegetables, salad and cut flowers. Produce will be sold to the general public on a ‘pick your own’ basis.

Dream Care Farm, which is run with the help of volunteers, will also be providing educational sessions at some point in the future.

For more information visit the website or Facebook page.

Dream Care Farm was formerly known as Field of Dreams.